Category: The Select Committee Hearing, 06-28

  • Guilty or Guilty – Fear and Loathing in the Wake of January 6th, 2021.

    No one in his/her right mind can think that Donald Trump shouldn’t be indicted, especially after viewing the Select Committee hearing today (Thursday, October 13th, 2022). It’s just that the powerful evidence provided by Trumpists themselves including his Attorney General, Bill Barr, Pat Cipollone the WH Counsel, Kayleigh McEnany, Trump’s third press secretary, and others…

  • My Book Is On The Way.

    Aim With Your Heart; Shoot With Your MindMemoir of an Extra-ordinary Teacherby Jerry Cohen From early childhood on, Jerry Cohen could have taken the easy way out. He never did, going places where he wasn’t necessarily wanted but was greatly needed. With few regrets, through good times and sad, a life unfolds before your eyes, to…

  • Fear and Loathing in Amerika – Part II

    Another JuicyLesson from 🇨🇦 Jerry 🇨🇦. A few days ago (06-28-2022), I blog posted Part I of Fear and Loathing in Amerika in which I stated that I had just scratched the surface of the then moron-in-chief’s attempt to hijack the 2020 election. Now to delve more deeply into the matters I presented in the…

  • Fear and Loathing in Amerika

    Another JuicyLesson from 🇨🇦 Jerry 🇨🇦. So this is what happened. Seditious conspiracy on the part of that moron, Trump. As a matter of fact, some members of his inner circle have already pled guilty to seditious conspiracy which is a conspiracy to overthrow the Amerikan government. Cassidy Hutchinson testified at the Select Committee investigating…

  • Uncool and Unacceptable Juice : Fear and Loathing in the Supreme Court

    Another Juicy Lesson from 🇨🇦 Jerry 🇨🇦. What’s getting overlooked in relation to the leaked draft Supreme Court opinion which overturns Roe v Wade (1970) and would send the abortion issue to the States is the following: Two – and perhaps three if Gorsuch is included and I ain’t sure whether he fits the bill…

  • What’s going on, is in no way ok.

    A JuicyLesson from the mind of 🇨🇦 Jerry 🇨🇦. (12-19-2021) So it’s been more than a year since the November 2020 presidential election in the United States and almost one year since the riot/attempted insurrection at the American capitol on January 6th, 2021. And where has the United States gone in the almost complete year…

  • Some Serious Shit

    An updated previously posted JL from Canadian Jerry / 🇨🇦 j This guy’s name is Andy Zee and he’s really got it going on. In this twelve minute interview with Cenk Igyur from the Young Turks (TYT), he talks revolution, really and truly. For more information, check out Andy Zee; Revolution Books; and People…

  • The Juice Makes a Cameo.

    Hi there, friends. Just thought I’d enlighten you and your evening with some bits of wisdom re. the kid, our Right Honourable P.M. Justin “Pretty Boy- Doe-eyed-in-the-headlights” Trudeau. That’s the way he looked to me in his meeting with one of the three companies’ executives re. trying to get a commitment from them to invest…