Lesson #10 : The Stoners Cookbook

The Stoners Cookbook is a good source of recipes for pot tea, pot butter and a whole assortment of edibles like “crippling chocolate chip cookies”.

It is suggested that one does not drive or operate heavy machinery when stoned.

Differences between drinking medicinal pot and smoking regular grass bought from a friend:
Medically, drinking is a much better deal. I have heard of people, including four old friends of mine, dying as a result of lung cancer caused by smoking of tobacco and/grass or both. As a matter if fact one of my friends from England passed away as a result of lung cancer without indulging in tobacco as well. All she did was smoke grass. Even though she may have succumbed to second hand smoke, it still gave me something to think about. On the other hand, as far as I know, pot tea does not cause disease.

Pot tea takes longer to have an effect, anywhere from 30 minutes to four hours. It’s effects also last longer than those resulting from smoking joints. Conversely, joints hit you just about immediately but when I was smoking in a pipe, mixed with tobacco, I had to have at least two bowls every hour. With weed tea, it’s effects endure for a good at least three, and sometimes even more hours. The other day as a matter of fact, I did my usual cuppa in the morning and was still buzzed at four in the afternoon.

It’s hard to say which costs more pot tea or doing joints. On the one hand, it takes more pot to make tea than it does to roll a spiff, but on the other there are two aspects mitigating against this one: firstly, the consequences of drinking a cup of pot tea last at least twice as long as those derived from smoking even two joints; and secondly, government pot costs $5.00 a gram compared to at least $8.00 a gram in Quebec, even more in Ontario.

It’s more of a hassle to prepare pot tea as well as requiring butter and more equipment than smoking does.

Many people mix tobacco with grass when they make joints. Tobacco, dangerous drug that it is, doesn’t come into play with the consumption of pot tea.

I am not allowed to smoke. That’s it, that’s all. I smoked for a long time, forty-two years, most if that time doing at least a pack a day. In 2003, I reduced my smoking to three to four cigs a day, to mix with my pot in a pipe. Following my pneumonia, more than a year ago, I stopped all smoking. Period. My lungs can’t take it. End of story. So eating or drinking it is my only choice. (The jury is still out on the vaporiser but I do not intend to mess with that.) I find pot tea does what I want, serving both to relieve my hand pain as well as making me feel better.

Author’s Note:
Have I shared too much? The reaction to Lesson #9 was pretty well non-existent. I ruminated about revealing my past; hopefully I haven’t antagonised or caused disillusionment for anyone.

If you would like to hear more about this type of thing, please let me know either by liking one or both of the two most recent lessons, including this one, or via email or social media. Otherwise, something new may be brewing (no pun intended) for tomorrow.

One response to “Lesson #10 : The Stoners Cookbook”

  1. Seems like drinking the tea allows you to benefit from the medicine of the plant without making other parts of your body suffer. Maybe that is how the plant wants to be used. I believe nature speaks to us to help us evolve our consciousness. If you really listen then there can be harmony with nature. Somehow the potential of cancer and the harm to the lungs is nature’s way of telling us not be violent. Smoking is violent to the lungs (especially if done multiple times a day) so tea seems like a kinder option. KIND bud 🙂 happier body!

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