Author: Jerry Cohen

  • Trumplestiltskin

    Trump today said the following to a reporter outside the White House.“One day the virus will just go away.”“I did wear a mask one time, it was black and I like the way it looked. Sort of like the Lone Ranger. It looked good.” Yeah just like the Lone Ranger with his mask over his…

  • Mentally Ill Juice

    I conclude that Trump is definitely crazy, out of his tiny mind and needs psychiatric help. He still doesn’t think that he did anything wrong … He sees himself as a victim and is seriously anti-empathetic as well being intellectually challenged, stupid in other words. He’s a very dumb man who thinks that he’s smart…

  • Trial Juice … Here and There

    Let’s face it. Trump is a liar who wouldn’t know the truth if he tripped over it. So when John Bolton, a fascist himself by the way … Bernie Sanders is the man, the best candidate by far but a veritable threat to the establishment including to the main stream corporate media. Thus we should…

  • Fear and Loathing and Lying in Amerika. ShapoJuice.

    Donald Trump, the present occupant of the White House, has been known to lie, mislead and generally subvert the truth by basically attempting to misguide his audience in an effort to spin what are pretty well indisputable facts into a set of circumstances more favourable to him … “Many presidents … some good, some bad,…

  • Dangerous Juice

    Dangerous Juice

    There is no doubt that there is overwhelming division in societies of the West – mass shootings, stabbings, the venom which blankets contemporary social media, terrorism both imported and domestic, hate speech and hate crimes. There are a multitude of questions surrounding this serious crisis such as: Why is this stuff happening right now? Were/Are…

  • Letter Juice

    A timely JuicyLesson from Canadian Jerry. For those who are interested, here is the full text of the letter written to Nancy Pelosi by President Donald John Trump. Thoughts? All I can say is that I doubt he even read it himself and probably didn’t write it either; instead, he dictated it to someone else.…

  • Fear and loathing in U.S. politics : three weeks in the life of DJT

    Just watching Donnie at a news conference with the president of Finland. Same old talking points. Called the impeachment inquiry investigation a hoax, “a big fraud on the American people” as the moron-in-chief put it … Things are getting really interesting. Just last night the president tweeted that he had decided to scrap his plan…

  • Goodbye Donny.

    A great conversation. A beautiful conversation. A totally appropriate conversation. It doesn’t matter what I brought up. It was totally appropriate”… The I.G. believes that what the whistleblower had said at the end of July was credible and that the phone conversation should be revealed to Congress, but he has been over-ruled by the D.N.I.…